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Trump 2.0 or Project 2025?

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Project 2025, is a 900-plus page blueprint for a conservative President. It was unveiled in the spring of 2023, well before Donald Trump had won the republican presidential nomination.

It outlined a suite of very conservative policies that would, for example, outlaw the mailing of abortion pills and abolish the department of education. It even suggests a return to the gold standard.

It became a democratic talking point, so much so that Trump repeatedly distanced himself from the plan and the authors.

But now that Trump is in office, releasing his own detailed plans. A lot of them are strikingly similar to the ones laid out in Project 2025. And one of its chief architects is now the head of the critical Office of Management and Budget.

Trump disavowed Project 2025 during the campaign. Now, as President, is he using it as a playbook?

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